
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.





[Sprint 5] Update

Production Updates
This week we focused on implementing production into our scrum team. Meetings were a bit long and chaotic but we learned and refined process for next week. Not only that but since we were incorporating production into scrum, we also had to take a bit of an extra workload on production due to aiming for min of 3 videos a week for season 4 as well as Matthias being out with Covid last week.
  • Wrote Scripts for 3 episodes
  • Wrote Video Beats for 3 episodes
  • Purchased & Prepped 3 Videos
  • Scouted and confirmed climax location
  • Released one video
  • Started editing episode 17.1 & 17.2 (Episode 17 was split into two upcoming episodes)
Seasonal Production Updates
Focused primarily on sets for the climax of Season 3 and the inciting incidents of Season 4
  • Completed the 2nd draft of Season 4 major beats (We're beyond excited for what we came up with)
  • Secured location for climax of S3
  • Conceptualized & Planned set for climax of S3.
  • Located contractors for a special prop for S4.
  • Completed major prop for S3 climax.
Top Line Updates
  • Trained Quinn in scrum, he joins next week!
  • Reached out to organizational firms for our internal organizational issues.
  • Shot Matthias' elements for our automated interview system for first round interviews for candidates.
  • Working on connected discord to Mighty Networks to better authenticate users automatically rather than the existing slow process. Still in the process. We are also laying the groundwork in order to add a free tier to discord.
  • We sent out 7 edit tests to 7 potential editor candidates.
  • Began the Epic for purchasing of a key prop for Season 4, this is a lengthy process
  • Trained 1 more individual in Scrum. (Official scrum production begins next week.)
  • Broke down all production elements into iterative User Stories to implement production items into next weeks sprint [Sprint 5]
  • Created Mod Guidelines (First iteration, new iteration coming next week with more explicit permissions.)
  • Located 5 Organization firms to aid us in the organization of Spellbound (Finally starting the process of cleaning up our chaotic workspace)
  • Built the first iteration of our automated first round interview system on and it looks awesome. Now potential candidates can do a remote async video interview seeing and responding to the teams lovely faces! This will be released to candidates only and is not open for testing.
  • Shot Premium Reactions for our paid tier (Matt will not be in the first video due to covid) Edit should be out next week maybe.