I feel like Matt’s feelings are overlooked by all of us because we all think that Matt is still mind controlled by Nelson but have we ever thought about what Matt is truly feeling from the after math?
Matt's feelings
I think that we all should listen to Matt’s side of his stories and experience from being kind controlled by Nelson because what if he has some important information that can help us with solving all of this for good? Maybe instead of being angry and blaming Matt for all of this, we can be there to help and support him with all of this because deep down inside his heart and soul, he feels bad from all of this by asking his team and subject 4 for help. I honestly feel bad for Matt because after that after math from being kind controlled, he couldn’t even remember a lot of events that happened and I don’t blame him because Matt also wants closure from all of this for good.
Matt should tell all of us on how he feels about everything and letting him express all of the feelings that he has been holding for a long time. Matt is also part of project 863 and I feel like that he has been overlooked as a true villain in all of this but in reality I think that he is also very confused and annoyed with all of this as well. I see Matt working to solve this mystery by asking us for help. Also instead of asking him a lot of questions that he can’t answer and remember, we can help him by recollecting all of the evidence that they have inside the vault to help him with sparking his memories from those events by following him through it once again.
I feel bad for Matt because he is mostly blamed with everything that he does and treated like a bad guy instead of a hero. I would like to see Matt being more appreciated and loved no matter what. He also deserves a lot of support and care from all of us because he also relies on us as subject 4 to help him out with everything and I think that we should return the favor by doing the same thing to him.