Season 4 Wish List

Each post should be a singular idea! If you have multiple ideas, make multiple posts! More the better!
Absalate being used for dangerous devices, mind control purposes and revenge against Deb
I feel like the absalate is more than a regular item but used as more dangerous government experiments that we aren’t aware of till it’s too late. Absalate being used for dangerous devices, mind control and revenge against Deb I feel like the absalate is more than a regular item but used as more dangerous government experiments that we aren’t aware of till it’s too late. The absalate might also be something that GR was after because he knew that Deb was using it for good and he wanted to change those plans by using it for evil. The absalate is also something that GR held close to his heart because maybe it’s something to help him by bringing all of his remaining memories that he has lost prior to that event and accident from the experiment that went wrong. Once he realized on what’s going on, his memories were slowly fading away and the only person who he could blame for all of this was Deb because at that time she was the only one that was left inside the laboratory. After a few heated arguments, he decided to storm out of the laboratory with all of the anger and hatred that he had against Deb and decided to think of clever plots and plans to use to against her. He also wanted to make sure that Deb guilty from all of the horrible experiments that was done on him. Plot twist: While GR was stuck inside his office, he felt bad for blaming Wesley for everything because he realized that Deb was responsible for all of this and apologized to Wesley for blaming him and he quickly forgave him. Wesley then decided to help GR with his plans and plots by giving him a clever plan that involves both the absalate and lanterns to finally trap Deb in another pocket dimension. After hearing Wesley’s clever plan, he decided that Both the absalate and lanterns were more dangerous secret devices that GR was looking for to be used to finally complete his evil plans by infecting the whole entire valley by creating more powerful mindless soldiers that he can command. Once GR got everything ready for his master plans, he realized that he forgot about the codes that were used to activate the spire and he also included the same codes that Matt used to see what happens. After a few hours of inputting the codes, his plans seemed to work at first but then he realized that some of the machines wasn’t working and performing the way that he wanted. GR then decided to check on what went wrong and when he found out on what the issue was, he quickly rushed towards Wesley and told him the same exact words that Matt told Ben, but instead of coming back to his old self, he decided to tie up Wesley very tightly to force to watch his plans succeed at all costs even if it means GR being injured from all of this. Plot twist continued: As Wesley was forced to watch every move that GR does to make his plans finally become successful, Wesley noticed that GR was so distracted by a long phone call from Nelson that he was forced to chat more about his plans outside that Wesley decided to take every advantage that he had before GR came back to continue with his plans but before continuing with his own plans, he had to carefully untie his knots from the ropes that he was tied with and quickly walked towards to GR’s monitor's to see what he could do to make sure that his plans didn’t work because when he saw that GR found out where their safe house was located, he broke down by showing a lot of tears and pain that he felt deep inside his heart. He quickly collected himself by being so devoted with ending GR’s evil plot twists that he remembered the same method that Benjamin used to throw off Matt when he was controlled and he carefully thought of his own methods of doing it by carefully writing down every possible codes that he could use to throw off GR. After a few minutes with finding the right exact codes, he quickly scratched all of the remaining codes that GR didn’t input and he replaced them with the new codes and when he heard GR coming back, he quickly went back to the same spot that we was at and waited for GR to notice that there was something wrong. When GR came back from his long conversation that he had with Nelson, he saw Wesley laughing and when he asked him on what’s so funny, he told him that he must have missed more of the codes for him to use for his plans. At first GR was so confused and asked Wesley about new codes then when he saw them, he thanked him and inputted the exact wrong codes that he didn’t realize that his plans won’t work and by the time he realize on what’s going on, it would be too late. Wesley then carefully secretly talked to Nelson on his phone by telling him that phrase 3 of their plan were successful and that it’s all going according to plan and that Nelson needed to take care of the rest of the plans to make it work. After GR found out that none of his plans were successful, the quickly gave Wesley a angry glare and decided to grab his lab coat to blame him for all of this and while he continued with yelling at Wesley, GR didn’t realize that the police were carefully getting closer to finally end his plans for good. Wesley then told GR by convincing him that he wasn’t the one that planned all of this but it was Nelson himself. While GR was distracted from his thoughts, he carefully grabbed all of the blue prints from both the absalate and lanterns and quickly hid them inside his lab coat for future evidence against him. Wesley then continued by yelling and defending the one that he cared about the most which was Deb and explained everything that was going on between them by saying that it was all of your fault in all of this and you know it. You’re just afraid to admit to all of your guilt to the rest of the world aren’t you? Just because you work for the government relations, doesn’t mean that it gives you the right by abusing your authority of power! Have you even considered about what others are feeling from all of these inhumane experiments and when GR finally realized on what he has done, he apologized to everybody and the police came rushing in to arrest him for all of his crimes. Wesley then told GR see you when you get out of prison buddy and hopefully by the time you’re free from all of this burden and hatred that we can all work as a team again to help others in need. GR then told wesley by showing his sad tears running down his face by saying I would love that and see you when my time is done my good old friend. Wesley's plan to bring Deb back from the pocket dimension nightmare While he was taken away by the police, Wesley then continued with making sure that all of the monitors were completely shut down by erasing everything that was in it. He made sure that he made a copy of the plans with his flash drive before executing this plan. He then said at least I have something to look back into while thinking about Deb. I’m sorry that you’re trapped inside another pocket dimension and I promise that I will work really hard of finding another solution to bring you back to our world. When everything was completed, he then collected whatever remaining clues and evidence that he could possibly carry to help him with figuring out on why GR was doing all of this. Then he called Nelson to come and pick him up to drive him back to his hiding spot that he was for so many years and while both Nelson and Wesley were inside Nelson’s car, they had a great conversation about the good old days that they used to have while working at Syntec and they both laughed it out as buddies. Wesley then thanked Nelson for helping him with everything and that hopefully they crossed paths with each other again soon. Wesley then continued with hiding away from the shadows by executing the plans that he promised Deb while they worked as partners and he cried every time he rewatched every moment that he had with her. Wesley then continued with testing out his new plans by sending objects to the same exact pocket dimension that she was stuck in and checked if he could grab the same objects that he used back to the real world and when he realized that it worked, he then tested it on many mannequins to see if he got the same exact results to results that he was looking for and once again, he was amazed with the results. He carefully called Deb’s name and when she heard Wesley’s voice, she quickly ran towards to it and he was successful with saving her from the nightmares that she went through. Both Wesley and Deb continued with catching up with a lot of things that they missed by having a great decent conversation. Deb then thanked Wesley by giving him the biggest hug and Wesley was shocked because he hasn’t felt that warm loving hug from her for so many years. They decided to continue with project 863 by giving us the remaining clues and evidence that we needed to finally end this nightmare for good.
Matt’s feelings
I feel like Matt’s feelings are overlooked by all of us because we all think that Matt is still mind controlled by Nelson but have we ever thought about what Matt is truly feeling from the after math? Matt's feelings I think that we all should listen to Matt’s side of his stories and experience from being kind controlled by Nelson because what if he has some important information that can help us with solving all of this for good? Maybe instead of being angry and blaming Matt for all of this, we can be there to help and support him with all of this because deep down inside his heart and soul, he feels bad from all of this by asking his team and subject 4 for help. I honestly feel bad for Matt because after that after math from being kind controlled, he couldn’t even remember a lot of events that happened and I don’t blame him because Matt also wants closure from all of this for good. Matt should tell all of us on how he feels about everything and letting him express all of the feelings that he has been holding for a long time. Matt is also part of project 863 and I feel like that he has been overlooked as a true villain in all of this but in reality I think that he is also very confused and annoyed with all of this as well. I see Matt working to solve this mystery by asking us for help. Also instead of asking him a lot of questions that he can’t answer and remember, we can help him by recollecting all of the evidence that they have inside the vault to help him with sparking his memories from those events by following him through it once again. I feel bad for Matt because he is mostly blamed with everything that he does and treated like a bad guy instead of a hero. I would like to see Matt being more appreciated and loved no matter what. He also deserves a lot of support and care from all of us because he also relies on us as subject 4 to help him out with everything and I think that we should return the favor by doing the same thing to him.
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